Why is it so important to have goals? Which goals do you have?

A lot of people are afraid to set themselves goals. They are afraid that they will become committed and have to say no to other things. As well many people find it difficult to step outside of their comfort zone. And another thing that prevents many people from setting goals is the fear that they will fail. Those who set goals will lend themselves to accountability and will have to ask themselves whether or not they did their best to achieve their goals or whether they gave up too easily.

Many people concentrate exclusively on working through the past and completely forget that the present will one day be part of the past. So look ahead and remember the saying: “People, who hide their head in the sand today, will have grit in their teeth tomorrow.”

Ask yourself: “What do I want to achieve?”

Long term goals give my life purpose. They harmonise my present efforts with my vison of a fulfilled successful future. Goals give us energy even in difficult situations; they help us not to stick our heads in the sand but to continue on our chosen path.

In competitive sports, goals support and enable athletes to achieve success even under difficult conditions. And this in turn has a positive effect on motivation. It is important to identify which types of goals the athlete should pursue. Three types to consider are performance, behavioral or mental goals. Performance goals help to measure improvement in performance and simulate self-confidence in a competition. Behavior goals provide emotional stability. Mental goals enable athletes to achieve their best performance and reach their optimal mental performing state in competitions. Finding a balance between these different types of goals can lead to short, medium and long term success for the athlete.

And now it’s your turn: What are your goals? Be precise and positive when you formulate your goals. A clearly defined goal is the best guide to finding success.

Pay attention to the following characteristics when formulating your goals:

Pictorial — You should be able to visualise your goals.
Precise — The goals refer to a specific thing or action.
Positive — Formulate your goals in the affirmative. This is important because your subconscious does not understand the word „NO“
Credible — Ask yourself in the depth of your heart whether or not you believe you can achieve these goals. If you don’t think it is possible than reformulate the goals into something you think you can do.
Measurable — Use parameters that are concrete and can be accessed such as who, what, when, how many, how often…
Motivating — Your goals should burn in your mind — strong desires lead to big results.
Short and sweet — Make your goals as short and simple as possible so that it is easy to remember.
Realistic — Make your goals relevant and realistic.

Tips and questions, in order to achieve your goals: 

  • Divide large goals into smaller steps.
  • Hold steadfast to realising your desires in your thoughts, words and deeds.
  • Choose someone who has achieved their goals to be an example or role model.
  • Identify yourself with the desired achievement rather than concentrating on the problems of the moment.
  • What do you have to do to reach your goal?
  • Ask yourself how you are going to implement each step optimally.
  • Consider all the possible things that could go wrong and write down what you would do in each case. “If this happens, then I will….” Memorise the desired responses.
  • What effects do you want to achieve through your actions?
  • What skills and abilities do you need to develop mentally, to achieve your goal?

Are you ready to set forth on the journey to achieve your goals? A Chinese proverb says: «Do not be afraid to go slowly. Fear only to stand still.» On this exciting journey you will not only learn and use new ideas and techniques but also discover an as yet unknown side to yourself. With each goal you achieve you will be generously rewarded- with vital experience and increased self-confidence. Start your journey now, at your own pace, in your own way.